Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

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Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

Buongiorno, vi presento subito il codice che sto utilizzando:
Option Explicit
' This VB module is a collection of routines to perform serial port I/O without
' using the Microsoft Comm Control component.  This module uses the Windows API
' to perform the overlapped I/O operations necessary for serial communications.
' The routine can handle up to 4 serial ports which are identified with a
' Port ID.
' All routines (with the exception of CommRead and CommWrite) return an error
' code or 0 if no error occurs.  The routine CommGetError can be used to get
' the complete error message.
' Public Constants
' Output Control Lines (CommSetLine)
Const LINE_BREAK = 1
Const LINE_DTR = 2
Const LINE_RTS = 3
' Input Control Lines  (CommGetLine)
Const LINE_CTS = &H10&
Const LINE_DSR = &H20&
Const LINE_RING = &H40&
Const LINE_RLSD = &H80&
Const LINE_CD = &H80&
' System Constants
Private Const ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE = 996&
Private Const ERROR_IO_PENDING = 997
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Private Const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = &H40000000
Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3
' COMM Functions
Private Const MS_CTS_ON = &H10&
Private Const MS_DSR_ON = &H20&
Private Const MS_RING_ON = &H40&
Private Const MS_RLSD_ON = &H80&
Private Const PURGE_RXABORT = &H2
Private Const PURGE_RXCLEAR = &H8
Private Const PURGE_TXABORT = &H1
Private Const PURGE_TXCLEAR = &H4
' COMM Escape Functions
Private Const CLRBREAK = 9
Private Const CLRDTR = 6
Private Const CLRRTS = 4
Private Const SETBREAK = 8
Private Const SETDTR = 5
Private Const SETRTS = 3
' System Structures
Private Type COMSTAT
fBitFields As Long ' See Comment in Win32API.Txt
cbInQue As Long
cbOutQue As Long
End Type
ReadIntervalTimeout As Long
ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
End Type
' The DCB structure defines the control setting for a serial
' communications device.
Private Type DCB
DCBlength As Long
BaudRate As Long
fBitFields As Long ' See Comments in Win32API.Txt
wReserved As Integer
XonLim As Integer
XoffLim As Integer
ByteSize As Byte
Parity As Byte
StopBits As Byte
XonChar As Byte
XoffChar As Byte
ErrorChar As Byte
EofChar As Byte
EvtChar As Byte
wReserved1 As Integer 'Reserved; Do Not Use
End Type
Internal As Long
InternalHigh As Long
offset As Long
OffsetHigh As Long
hEvent As Long
End Type

#If Win64 Then
    nLength As Long
    lpSecurityDescriptor As LongPtr
    bInheritHandle As Long
    End Type
    nLength As Long
    lpSecurityDescriptor As Long
    bInheritHandle As Long
    End Type
#End If

' System Functions

'Windows32API Functions 32Bit And 64Bit

#If VBA7 Then

Private Declare PtrSafe Function BuildCommDCB Lib "kernel32" Alias "BuildCommDCBA" _
 (ByVal lpDef As String, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function ClearCommError Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpErrors As Long, lpStat As COMSTAT) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hObject As LongPtr) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" _
 (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
 ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, _
 ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _
 ByVal hTemplateFile As LongPtr) As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Function EscapeCommFunction Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal nCid As LongPtr, ByVal nFunc As Long) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" _
 (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, _
 ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _
 Arguments As LongPtr) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCommModemStatus Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpModemStat As Long) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCommState Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal nCid As LongPtr, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetOverlappedResult Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred As Long, ByVal bWait As Long) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function PurgeComm Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, _
 lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetCommState Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hCommDev As LongPtr, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetCommTimeouts Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" _
 (ByVal hFile As LongPtr, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, _
 lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub AppSleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongPtr)


Private Declare Function BuildCommDCB Lib "kernel32" Alias "BuildCommDCBA" _
(ByVal lpDef As String, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare Function ClearCommError Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, lpErrors As Long, lpStat As COMSTAT) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" _
(ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, _
ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _
ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function EscapeCommFunction Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal nCid As Long, ByVal nFunc As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" _
(ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, _
ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _
Arguments As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetCommModemStatus Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, lpModemStat As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetCommState Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal nCid As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Declare Function GetOverlappedResult Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED, _
lpNumberOfBytesTransferred As Long, ByVal bWait As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function PurgeComm Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, _
lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long

Private Declare Function SetCommState Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hCommDev As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long

Private Declare Function SetCommTimeouts Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Long

Private Declare Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, _
lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Long
Private Declare Sub AppSleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

#End If

' Program Constants
Private Const MAX_PORTS = 4
' Program Structures
Private Type COMM_ERROR
lngErrorCode As Long
strFunction As String
strErrorMessage As String
End Type
Private Type COMM_PORT
lngHandle As Long
blnPortOpen As Boolean
End Type
' Program Storage
Private udtCommOverlap As OVERLAPPED
Private udtCommError As COMM_ERROR
Private udtPorts(1 To MAX_PORTS) As COMM_PORT
' GetSystemMessage - Gets system error text for the specified error code.
Public Function GetSystemMessage(lngErrorCode As Long) As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strMessage As String, strMsgBuff As String * 256
Call FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, lngErrorCode, 0, strMsgBuff, 255, 0)
intPos = InStr(1, strMsgBuff, vbNullChar)
If intPos > 0 Then
strMessage = Trim$(Left$(strMsgBuff, intPos - 1))
strMessage = Trim$(strMsgBuff)
End If
GetSystemMessage = strMessage
End Function
Public Function PauseApp(PauseInSeconds As Long)
Call AppSleep(PauseInSeconds * 1000)
End Function
' CommOpen - Opens/Initializes serial port.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   strPort     - COM port name. (COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4)
'   strSettings - Communication settings.
'                 Example: "baud=9600 parity=N data=8 stop=1"
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommOpen(intPortID As Integer, strPort As String, _
strSettings As String) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
Dim udtCommTimeOuts As COMMTIMEOUTS
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
' See if port already in use.
If udtPorts(intPortID).blnPortOpen Then
lngStatus = -1
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommOpen"
.strErrorMessage = "Port in use."
End With
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Open serial port.
udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle = CreateFile(strPort, GENERIC_READ Or _
If udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle = -1 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (CreateFile)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
udtPorts(intPortID).blnPortOpen = True
' Setup device buffers (1K each).
lngStatus = SetupComm(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, 1024, 1024)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (SetupComm)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Purge buffers.
lngStatus = PurgeComm(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, PURGE_TXABORT Or _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (PurgeComm)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Set serial port timeouts.
With udtCommTimeOuts
.ReadIntervalTimeout = -1
.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0
.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000
.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0
.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1000
End With
lngStatus = SetCommTimeouts(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, udtCommTimeOuts)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (SetCommTimeouts)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Get the current state (DCB).
lngStatus = GetCommState(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (GetCommState)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Modify the DCB to reflect the desired settings.
lngStatus = BuildCommDCB(strSettings, udtPorts(intPortID).udtDCB)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (BuildCommDCB)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Set the new state.
lngStatus = SetCommState(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommOpen (SetCommState)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommOpen = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommOpen"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
Private Function SetCommError(strFunction As String) As Long
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = Err.LastDllError
.strFunction = strFunction
.strErrorMessage = GetSystemMessage(.lngErrorCode)
SetCommError = .lngErrorCode
End With
End Function
Private Function SetCommErrorEx(strFunction As String, lngHnd As Long) As Long
Dim lngErrorFlags As Long
Dim udtCommStat As COMSTAT
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = GetLastError
.strFunction = strFunction
.strErrorMessage = GetSystemMessage(.lngErrorCode)
Call ClearCommError(lngHnd, lngErrorFlags, udtCommStat)
.strErrorMessage = .strErrorMessage & "  COMM Error Flags = " & _
SetCommErrorEx = .lngErrorCode
End With
End Function
' CommSet - Modifies the serial port settings.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   strSettings - Communication settings.
'                 Example: "baud=9600 parity=N data=8 stop=1"
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommSet(intPortID As Integer, strSettings As String) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
lngStatus = GetCommState(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommSet (GetCommState)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = BuildCommDCB(strSettings, udtPorts(intPortID).udtDCB)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommSet (BuildCommDCB)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = SetCommState(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommSet (SetCommState)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommSet = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommSet"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommClose - Close the serial port.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommClose(intPortID As Integer) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
If udtPorts(intPortID).blnPortOpen Then
lngStatus = CloseHandle(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommClose (CloseHandle)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
udtPorts(intPortID).blnPortOpen = False
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommClose = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommClose"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommFlush - Flush the send and receive serial port buffers.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommFlush(intPortID As Integer) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
lngStatus = PurgeComm(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, PURGE_TXABORT Or _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommFlush (PurgeComm)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommFlush = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommFlush"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommRead - Read serial port input buffer.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   strData     - Data buffer.
'   lngSize     - Maximum number of bytes to be read.
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommRead(intPortID As Integer, strData As String, _
lngSize As Long) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
Dim lngRdSize As Long, lngBytesRead As Long
Dim lngRdStatus As Long, strRdBuffer As String * 1024
Dim lngErrorFlags As Long, udtCommStat As COMSTAT
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
strData = ""
lngBytesRead = 0
' Clear any previous errors and get current status.
lngStatus = ClearCommError(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, lngErrorFlags, _
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngBytesRead = -1
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommRead (ClearCommError)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
If udtCommStat.cbInQue > 0 Then
If udtCommStat.cbInQue > lngSize Then
lngRdSize = udtCommStat.cbInQue
lngRdSize = lngSize
End If
lngRdSize = 0
End If
If lngRdSize Then
lngRdStatus = ReadFile(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, strRdBuffer, _
lngRdSize, lngBytesRead, udtCommOverlap)
If lngRdStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = GetLastError
If lngStatus = ERROR_IO_PENDING Then
' Wait for read to complete.
' This function will timeout according to the
' COMMTIMEOUTS.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant variable.
' Every time it times out, check for port errors.
' Loop until operation is complete.
While GetOverlappedResult(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
udtCommOverlap, lngBytesRead, True) = 0
lngStatus = GetLastError
If lngStatus <> ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE Then
lngBytesRead = -1
lngStatus = SetCommErrorEx( _
"CommRead (GetOverlappedResult)", _
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Some other error occurred.
lngBytesRead = -1
lngStatus = SetCommErrorEx("CommRead (ReadFile)", _
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
End If
strData = Left$(strRdBuffer, lngBytesRead)
End If
CommRead = lngBytesRead
Exit Function
lngBytesRead = -1
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommRead"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommWrite - Output data to the serial port.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   strData     - Data to be transmitted.
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommWrite(intPortID As Integer, strData As String) As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim lngStatus As Long, lngSize As Long
Dim lngWrSize As Long, lngWrStatus As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
' Get the length of the data.
lngSize = Len(strData)
' Output the data.
lngWrStatus = WriteFile(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, strData, lngSize, _
lngWrSize, udtCommOverlap)
' Note that normally the following code will not execute because the driver
' caches write operations. Small I/O requests (up to several thousand bytes)
' will normally be accepted immediately and WriteFile will return true even
' though an overlapped operation was specified.
If lngWrStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = GetLastError
If lngStatus = 0 Then
GoTo Routine_Exit
ElseIf lngStatus = ERROR_IO_PENDING Then
' We should wait for the completion of the write operation so we know
' if it worked or not.
' This is only one way to do this. It might be beneficial to place the
' writing operation in a separate thread so that blocking on completion
' will not negatively affect the responsiveness of the UI.
' If the write takes long enough to complete, this function will timeout
' according to the CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant variable.
' At that time we can check for errors and then wait some more.
' Loop until operation is complete.
While GetOverlappedResult(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, _
udtCommOverlap, lngWrSize, True) = 0
lngStatus = GetLastError
If lngStatus <> ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE Then
lngStatus = SetCommErrorEx( _
"CommWrite (GetOverlappedResult)", _
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
' Some other error occurred.
lngWrSize = -1
lngStatus = SetCommErrorEx("CommWrite (WriteFile)", _
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 10
CommWrite = lngWrSize
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommWrite"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommGetLine - Get the state of selected serial port control lines.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   intLine     - Serial port line. CTS, DSR, RING, RLSD (CD)
'   blnState    - Returns state of line (Cleared or Set).
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommGetLine(intPortID As Integer, intLine As Integer, _
blnState As Boolean) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
Dim lngComStatus As Long, lngModemStatus As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
lngStatus = GetCommModemStatus(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, lngModemStatus)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommReadCD (GetCommModemStatus)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
If (lngModemStatus And intLine) Then
blnState = True
blnState = False
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommGetLine = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommReadCD"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommSetLine - Set the state of selected serial port control lines.
' Parameters:
'   intPortID   - Port ID used when port was opened.
'   intLine     - Serial port line. BREAK, DTR, RTS
'                 Note: BREAK actually sets or clears a "break" condition on
'                 the transmit data line.
'   blnState    - Sets the state of line (Cleared or Set).
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - 0 = No Error.
Public Function CommSetLine(intPortID As Integer, intLine As Integer, _
blnState As Boolean) As Long
Dim lngStatus As Long
Dim lngNewState As Long
On Error GoTo Routine_Error
If intLine = LINE_BREAK Then
If blnState Then
lngNewState = SETBREAK
lngNewState = CLRBREAK
End If
ElseIf intLine = LINE_DTR Then
If blnState Then
lngNewState = SETDTR
lngNewState = CLRDTR
End If
ElseIf intLine = LINE_RTS Then
If blnState Then
lngNewState = SETRTS
lngNewState = CLRRTS
End If
End If
lngStatus = EscapeCommFunction(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, lngNewState)
If lngStatus = 0 Then
lngStatus = SetCommError("CommSetLine (EscapeCommFunction)")
GoTo Routine_Exit
End If
lngStatus = 0
CommSetLine = lngStatus
Exit Function
lngStatus = Err.Number
With udtCommError
.lngErrorCode = lngStatus
.strFunction = "CommSetLine"
.strErrorMessage = Err.Description
End With
Resume Routine_Exit
End Function
' CommGetError - Get the last serial port error message.
' Parameters:
'   strMessage  - Error message from last serial port error.
' Returns:
'   Error Code  - Last serial port error code.
Public Function CommGetError(strMessage As String) As Long
With udtCommError
CommGetError = .lngErrorCode
strMessage = "Error (" & CStr(.lngErrorCode) & "): " & .strFunction & _
" - " & .strErrorMessage
End With
End Function

Sto utilizzando questo codice per eseguire una comunicazione seriale tramite RS232 ma ho un problema quando chiamo la funzione CommOpen perche' al suo interno richiama la seguente funzione CreateFile presente nella libreria Kernel32:
udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle = CreateFile(strPort, GENERIC_READ Or _
Quando richiamo CreateFile mi da un errore all'argomento "lpSecurityAttributes" che e' l'argomento a cui sto passando "ByVal 0&", ossia il valore NULL al quale fa riferimento la Microsoft.
L'errore in questione è il seguente: "Errore di compilazione: Impossibile passare il tipo definito dall'utente con ByVal"
Qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi. Che argomento dovrei passargli?
Su Excel 32 bit funziona, 64 no. Nel caso faccio un if con il classico #IF VBA7 Then se l'argomento a 64 bit e' diverso.
Attendo risposte.

15 Risposte

  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Ma che c'entra ?

    (Comunque nella dichiarazione scrivi lpSecurityAttributes As Any)
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    oregon ha scritto:

    Ma che c'entra ?

    (Comunque nella dichiarazione scrivi lpSecurityAttributes As Any)
    Non sapevo dove scrivere, ho visto che c'è il forum dedicato VB6 ma questo è VB7, scrivo là?
    Scusate se ho sbagliato e grazie, adesso provo.
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    No ... questo è Excel. Scrivi in Excel.

    Ti ho comunque dato un'idea ... l'hai provato?
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    oregon ha scritto:

    No ... questo è Excel. Scrivi in Excel.

    Ti ho comunque dato un'idea ... l'hai provato?
    Si, non funziona. Ricevo un altro errore. Excel non l'ho trovato comunque.
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Scrivi in "Altri Linguaggi" e metti nel titolo "VBA Excel"

    "Un altro errore" quale?
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    oregon ha scritto:

    Scrivi in "Altri Linguaggi" e metti nel titolo "VBA Excel"

    "Un altro errore" quale?
    "Errore di compilazione: Tipo non corrispondente"

    Comunque grazie ho trovato la sezione giusta. Se volete chiudo e scrivo su sezione excel.
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Hai fatto la modifica che ti ho detto?

    L'errore è nella parte sinistra della chiamata prima dell' = ?
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    oregon ha scritto:

    Hai fatto la modifica che ti ho detto?

    L'errore è nella parte sinistra della chiamata prima dell' = ?
    Ho fatto questa modifica, dimmi se ho capito correttamente!

    Nella dichiarazione della funzione:

    L'errore che esce ora:

  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Adesso la questione mi sembra che sia sul valore di ritorno.

    La funzione restituisce As LongPtr mentre la variabile utilizzata udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle è una semplice Long

    Per il codice a 64 bit lngHandle deve essere una LongPtr
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    oregon ha scritto:

    Adesso la questione mi sembra che sia sul valore di ritorno.

    La funzione restituisce As LongPtr mentre la variabile utilizzata udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle è una semplice Long

    Per il codice a 64 bit lngHandle deve essere una LongPtr
    Perfetto, aggiunto if vba7 sulla dichiarazione e funziona quel passaggio, ora si ferma con lo stesso errore sulla funzione successiva:
    ' Setup device buffers (1K each).
    lngStatus = SetupComm(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, 1024, 1024)
    Anch'essa dichiarata come semplice long:
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" _
     (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long
    Ho provato anche questa come LongPtr ma rimane invariato l'errore. Grazie veramente che mi stai dando una mano non indifferente.
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Parli di lngStatus ?
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Xandrew22 ha scritto:

    oregon ha scritto:

    Adesso la questione mi sembra che sia sul valore di ritorno.

    La funzione restituisce As LongPtr mentre la variabile utilizzata udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle è una semplice Long

    Per il codice a 64 bit lngHandle deve essere una LongPtr
    Perfetto, aggiunto if vba7 sulla dichiarazione e funziona quel passaggio, ora si ferma con lo stesso errore sulla funzione successiva:
    ' Setup device buffers (1K each).
    lngStatus = SetupComm(udtPorts(intPortID).lngHandle, 1024, 1024)
    Anch'essa dichiarata come semplice long:
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" _
     (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long
    Ho provato anche questa come LongPtr ma rimane invariato l'errore. Grazie veramente che mi stai dando una mano non indifferente.
    Ho fatto una cosa al volo, ho dichiarato la funzione createfile As Long, ho rimesso lngHandle As Long e non da più errori.
    Sembra stia funzionando, devo testare realmente se funziona la comunicazione. Nel caso faccio sapere. Grazie.
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Allora non lavori a 64 bit ma a 32.

    Fai attenzione.

    Per provare metti nel tuo codice
    #If VBA7 Then
      MsgBox "64"
      MsgBox "32"
    #End If
    e controlla cosa viene visualizzato
  • Re: Argomenti Funzione CreateFileA Win32API [VBA Excel 64Bit]

    Ciao, lavoro a 64 bit non 32.
    Confermo comunque che funzioni tutto così, questo excel fa un po quello che gli pare.
    Testato su win7 32/64 bit con excel 32/64bit e su win 10 64bit con excel 64bit.
    Probabilemente non vuole il PtrSafe proprio dappertutto, non ci si capisce più niente.
    Finchè funziona va bene così
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