End-effector non computato

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End-effector non computato

Buongiorno a tutti,

Ho un problema con la cinematica inversa applicata ad un robot che ho assemblato in Simulink. Come potete vedere dalle immagini in allegato, il robot ha sette links e sei giunti di rivoluzione. Per applicare la cinematica analitica inversa ho importato l'albero del robot in Matlab. Il problema è che i risultati finali sembrano non contare l'ultimo link anche se seleziono il secondo gruppo cinematografico (che include chiaramente il end-effector come “body7”). Quindi, quando applico la cinematica diretta per verificare la posa dell'end-effector, i risultati posizionano il sesto giunto nella posizione desiderata piuttosto che l'end-effector. Ho anche un'altra domanda. Come potete vedere dalle immagini, nell'albero del modello simulink del robot, tra il sesto giunto e l'ultimo corpo ("EE'') ho posizionato un giunto saldato; l'ho fatto perché, altrimenti, nel programma viene letta una struttura del robot solo con sei corpi ed, inoltre,  mostra solo il primo gruppo cinematco, terminando con il “Body6”. La domanda quindi è se è strettamente necessaria la presenza di un tipo di giunto  prima dell'end-effector per visualizzare correttamente la struttura dell'albero in Matlab.

In conclusione, come posso eseguire l'IK applicato al mio robot ?

Grazie in anticipo per il vostro tempo, sperando di essere stato abbastanza chiaro.

clear;close all;clc

% DATA   |

% Unknown
% Ang: phi_1, phi_2, phi_3, phi_4, phi_5, phi_6  

% P_EE POSE   |

% EE Dispalcement from the robot base
x_EE = 8;
y_EE = -5;
z_EE = -3;

d_EE = [x_EE y_EE z_EE];

% Angles
phi_EE_x = -6*pi/5;
phi_EE_y = -3*pi/4;
phi_EE_z = pi/6; 

Eul_ang  = [phi_EE_x phi_EE_y phi_EE_z];

% P_EE pose
EE_pose = trvec2tform(d_EE)*eul2tform(Eul_ang,"ZYX");

% ROBOT  |

% Links lengths
l_1  = 2.5;
l_2  = 3;
l_3  = 5;
l_4  = 3.5;
l_5  = 1.5;
l_6  = 1.5;
l_EE = 1;

[robot, robot_info] = importrobot('Robot_ES5_LP');


aik = analyticalInverseKinematics(robot);

opts = showdetails(aik);
aik.KinematicGroup = opts(2).KinematicGroup;

generateIKFunction(aik, 'robotIK');

ikConfig = robotIK(EE_pose);

% Angles in all their possible configurations
phi_1 =  ikConfig(:,1);
phi_2 =  ikConfig(:,2);
phi_3 =  ikConfig(:,3);
phi_4 =  ikConfig(:,4);
phi_5 =  ikConfig(:,5);
phi_6 =  ikConfig(:,6);


% Validation for all the possible configurations
for i = 1:length(phi_1)

    % Pose joint1
    d_01 = [0; 0; l_1];
    R_01 = [cos(phi_1(i))      cos(pi/2+phi_1(i)) 0;...
            cos(pi/2-phi_1(i)) cos(phi_1(i))      0;...
            0                  0                  1];
    H_01_1 = [eye(3,3)   d_01;...
              zeros(1,3) 1];
    H_01_2 = [R_01       zeros(3,1);...
              zeros(1,3) 1];
    H_01_3 = [cos(pi/2)      0 cos(pi/2-pi/2) 0;...
              0              1 0              0;...
              cos(pi/2+pi/2) 0 cos(pi/2)      0;...
              0              0 0              1];
    H_01 = H_01_1*H_01_2*H_01_3;
    % Pose joint2
    d_12 = [0; 0; l_2];
    R_12 = [cos(phi_2(i))      0 cos(pi/2-phi_2(i));...
            0                  1 0;...
            cos(pi/2+phi_2(i)) 0 cos(phi_2(i))];
    H_12 = [R_12       d_12;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Pose joint3
    d_23 = [0; 0; l_3];
    R_23 = [cos(phi_3(i))      0 cos(pi/2-phi_3(i));...
            0                  1 0;...
            cos(pi/2+phi_3(i)) 0 cos(phi_3(i))];
    H_23 = [R_23       d_23;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Pose joint4
    d_34 = [0; 0; l_4];
    R_34 = [cos(phi_4(i))      cos(pi/2+phi_4(i)) 0;...
            cos(pi/2-phi_4(i)) cos(phi_4(i))      0;...
            0                  0                  1];
    H_34 = [R_34       d_34;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Pose joint5
    d_45 = [0; 0; l_5];
    R_45 = [cos(phi_5(i))      0 cos(pi/2-phi_5(i));...
            0                  1 0;...
            cos(pi/2+phi_5(i)) 0 cos(phi_5(i))];
    H_45 = [R_45       d_45;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Pose joint6
    d_56 = [0; 0; l_6];
    R_56 = [cos(phi_6(i))      cos(pi/2+phi_6(i)) 0;...
            cos(pi/2-phi_6(i)) cos(phi_6(i))      0;...
            0                  0                  1];
    H_56 = [R_56       d_56;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Pose EE
    s_EE = [0; 0; l_EE];
    H_EE = [eye(3,3)   s_EE;...
            zeros(1,3) 1];
    % Base cordinates 
    x_0 = 0;
    y_0 = 0;
    z_0 = 0;
    P_0 = [x_0; y_0; z_0];
    % P_1 cordinates
    P_1 = H_01*[P_0; 1];
    % P_2 cordinates
    P_2 = H_01*H_12*[P_0; 1];
    % P_3 cordinates
    P_3 = H_01*H_12*H_23*[P_0; 1];
    % P_4 cordinates
    P_4 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*[P_0; 1];
    % P_5 cordinates
    P_5 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*[P_0; 1];
    % P_6 cordinates
    P_6 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*[P_0; 1];
    % P_EE cordinates
    P_EE = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*H_EE*[P_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 0
    u_0 = [1; 0; 0];
    v_0 = [0; 1; 0];
    w_0 = [0; 0; 1];
    % Reference frame 1
    u_1 = H_01*[u_0; 1];
    v_1 = H_01*[v_0; 1];
    w_1 = H_01*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 2
    u_2 = H_01*H_12*[u_0; 1];
    v_2 = H_01*H_12*[v_0; 1];
    w_2 = H_01*H_12*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 3
    u_3 = H_01*H_12*H_23*[u_0; 1];
    v_3 = H_01*H_12*H_23*[v_0; 1];
    w_3 = H_01*H_12*H_23*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 4
    u_4 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*[u_0; 1];
    v_4 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*[v_0; 1];
    w_4 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 5
    u_5 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*[u_0; 1];
    v_5 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*[v_0; 1];
    w_5 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 6
    u_6 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*[u_0; 1];
    v_6 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*[v_0; 1];
    w_6 = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*[w_0; 1];
    % Reference frame 6
    u_EE = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*H_EE*[u_0; 1];
    v_EE = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*H_EE*[v_0; 1];
    w_EE = H_01*H_12*H_23*H_34*H_45*H_56*H_EE*[w_0; 1];
    % Link 1
    plot3([P_0(1) P_1(1)],[P_0(2) P_1(2)],[P_0(3) P_1(3)],'ko-');hold on;
    % Link 2
    plot3([P_1(1) P_2(1)],[P_1(2) P_2(2)],[P_1(3) P_2(3)],'ko-');hold on;
    % Link 3
    plot3([P_2(1) P_3(1)],[P_2(2) P_3(2)],[P_2(3) P_3(3)],'ko-');hold on;
    % Link 4
    plot3([P_3(1) P_4(1)],[P_3(2) P_4(2)],[P_3(3) P_4(3)],'ko-');hold on;
    % Link 5
    plot3([P_4(1) P_5(1)],[P_4(2) P_5(2)],[P_4(3) P_5(3)],'ko-');hold on;
   % Link 6
    plot3([P_5(1) P_6(1)],[P_5(2) P_6(2)],[P_5(3) P_6(3)],'ko-');hold on;

    % EE
    plot3([P_6(1) P_EE(1)],[P_6(2) P_EE(2)],[P_6(3) P_EE(3)],'ko-');hold on;
    % Reference frame base
    plot3([u_0(1) P_0(1)],[u_0(2) P_0(2)],[u_0(3) P_0(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_0(1) P_0(1)],[v_0(2) P_0(2)],[v_0(3) P_0(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_0(1) P_0(1)],[w_0(2) P_0(2)],[w_0(3) P_0(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 1
    plot3([u_1(1) P_1(1)],[u_1(2) P_1(2)],[u_1(3) P_1(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_1(1) P_1(1)],[v_1(2) P_1(2)],[v_1(3) P_1(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_1(1) P_1(1)],[w_1(2) P_1(2)],[w_1(3) P_1(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 2
    plot3([u_2(1) P_2(1)],[u_2(2) P_2(2)],[u_2(3) P_2(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_2(1) P_2(1)],[v_2(2) P_2(2)],[v_2(3) P_2(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_2(1) P_2(1)],[w_2(2) P_2(2)],[w_2(3) P_2(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 3
    plot3([u_3(1) P_3(1)],[u_3(2) P_3(2)],[u_3(3) P_3(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_3(1) P_3(1)],[v_3(2) P_3(2)],[v_3(3) P_3(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_3(1) P_3(1)],[w_3(2) P_3(2)],[w_3(3) P_3(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 4
    plot3([u_4(1) P_4(1)],[u_4(2) P_4(2)],[u_4(3) P_4(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_4(1) P_4(1)],[v_4(2) P_4(2)],[v_4(3) P_4(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_4(1) P_4(1)],[w_4(2) P_4(2)],[w_4(3) P_4(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 5
    plot3([u_5(1) P_5(1)],[u_5(2) P_5(2)],[u_5(3) P_5(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_5(1) P_5(1)],[v_5(2) P_5(2)],[v_5(3) P_5(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_5(1) P_5(1)],[w_5(2) P_5(2)],[w_5(3) P_5(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame 6
    plot3([u_6(1) P_6(1)],[u_6(2) P_6(2)],[u_6(3) P_6(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_6(1) P_6(1)],[v_6(2) P_6(2)],[v_6(3) P_6(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_6(1) P_6(1)],[w_6(2) P_6(2)],[w_6(3) P_6(3)],'b-');hold on;
    % Reference frame EE
    plot3([u_EE(1) P_EE(1)],[u_EE(2) P_EE(2)],[u_EE(3) P_EE(3)],'r-');hold on;
    plot3([v_EE(1) P_EE(1)],[v_EE(2) P_EE(2)],[v_EE(3) P_EE(3)],'g-');hold on;
    plot3([w_EE(1) P_EE(1)],[w_EE(2) P_EE(2)],[w_EE(3) P_EE(3)],'b-');hold on;...
           axis equal;title(['Configuration ' num2str(i)],'Interpreter','latex');...


phi_IK = (180/pi)*ikConfig
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